Big Cheque

Today's the day ........................ for new beginnings

This evening - for the first time in eighteen months, I've been singing in a choir.

It was partly because of the Covid thing, although it was already on the cards, that we lost our conductor back in 2020.  For a while it seemed that the choir would just no longer exist - and that we would all find other choirs to belong to.  But slowly, slowly over the months, a group from the old choir started to investigate whether it would be possible to form a new choir from the ashes of the old.

There were lots of things to consider - first of all, was it something that would get support from enough singers to make it a viable option?  A new conductor had to be found.  The Covid restrictions on singing together in a group were the most stringent of all and took a lot of organisation and planning.

But this evening, the new choir, to be called 'SongWave' met outside the new venue that will be used for choir practices.  The local press photographer came to take pictures of the big cheque that we have been awarded from the Community Fund.  That's Kate, our new conductor in the middle of the group.  

And then we sang - and it felt SO good .......................!

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