Today's the day ..................... for a trial run

It's tomorrow night that we have to do the Town Trail on behalf of the Kirkcudbright History Society, so we thought we'd have a trial run this morning - just the two of us.

Armed with all the info that we'd been given, as well as a few reference books, we set off along the allotted route trying to be as discrete as possible.  It was a lovely day and the town was quite busy.  We did get the odd strange look, but nobody tried to join us en route!  We were timing ourselves as we went because the tour is supposed to last no longer than an hour and a half.

All I can say is that it's harder than you would think, to be concise, coherent - and correct.  The other thing that becomes increasingly evident is that the more you know, the more you realise that you don't know enough?

Oh well, keep your fingers crossed for good weather tomorrow evening - and wish us luck ............................ !

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