Post - covid first...

For the first time since March 2020, we went on a train today. It was actually much better than I feared on the train itself. It wasnt busy. Some people were masked. Katie was pretty calm. But the station at the other end was a total different kettle of fish. Lots of pushing, no distancing and very few masks. She hated that a lot.

Anyway, we dashed from the station to the beautiful new Opera North centre that is her musical home for the week. She's doing their senior orchestral academy. Normally for age 15+, this year because it's non residential, they have invited some younger ones. They offered us a bursary and even hotel accommodation for the week, so we are looking forward to a few adventures.

After I dropped her off, I worked in the library until I was able to check in the hotel. Its quite swish! I did some shopping for the week ahead and went to collect her. We came back to the hotel to get her fed. I was quite chuffed to manage warm food, even if it was hot dogs and Spaghetti hoops! 

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