Only Katie

.... would be chomping at the bit at 6.30am to get to the hotel fitness suite for her first ever gym workout. She did the cross trainer and treadmill, plus a few minutes on the bike and then a stretch. In other news, mama ran for the first time in two months. 2.5km but I ran. My body had no idea what was going on however.

After the gym, we headed to breakfast. We are going to enjoy this week's hotel breakfasts! When we were done, we nipped to primark for a couple of bits we needed before I dropped her off for the day.

I took a trip to Harrogate on the train but I ended up coming back earlier because I was wiped out. I spent the afternoon asleep at our hotel.

Hotel Cuisine today featured roast veg couscous with petit pois, followed by a dessert of warm custard with strawberries... Nailing it! 

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