
Lovely flowers from friends and colleagues and some I bought for myself.

For those of you who aren't sick of looking at me... here's the progress as of this morning. My eye is a bit more open and although my face is still swollen, there's definite improvement... well there is with the wound... my roots seriously need some work!!

My body clock still doesn't appear to have got the concept of sleeping all night and I was awake at 4am yet again. I had a blether with my brother who's out in Hong Kong at the moment about camera bags and stuff so it's quite nice having someone to distract me at that time of the morning. It seems I'm not alone in my insomnia given the people awake on the book of face in the middle of the night though.

I might venture out for a walk in a bit... I think some fresh air will make me feel a bit more alive. I love my flat but I've been stuck in here pretty much for a week now. Stir crazy is starting to kick in. Chatting to yourself while you're doing dishes is probably not something I should share but I'm cool with my sort of crazy!!

It was really nice having company yesterday, after Louise and the kids had been round in the afternoon, a little later Jane and Marie popped in and Suzanne from work. They brought me all sorts of nice things so I have a serious supply of chocolate and flowers and even a trashy mag! Daytime TV leaves a lot to be desired... I found myself watching Jeremy Kyle this morning... where the fuck do they find these people?! I feel positively normal now!!

26 sleeps!

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