Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Crispy Oat Biscuits

I made these today and although some of them look a funny shape, they taste delicious. Mr A approved and burnt his mouth on two of them, almost before they came off the baking tray!

The recipe belongs to Orchid99's mum although I have adapted it to make it gluten-free. Using gluten-free ingredients often changes a recipe dramatically, these seem fine. For anyone wanting to make them as gluten free biscuits, this time I used Dove's Farm gluten-free self-raising flour and gluten free oats. I shall use Juvela flour next time and see what the difference might be. Juvela flour, along with pasta are the only two items I get on prescription, so it would be nice to see how they turn out. I suspect that they were an economical biscuit to make in days gone by and next time I shall experiment with ginger marmalade instead of orange and maybe a bit of ginger spice. Thank you Orchid99 and your mum.

Child-sitting later this afternoon and tonight as my daughter and son-in-law are going to a rock concert at the O2. Not really her scene, but it is a company thing and she is expected to go with her husband. We are having pizza and some of these biscuits, no doubt Oliver, being a coeliac will demolish several of them!

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