Special Day

I found a local private pool Barn and planned to take Daughter Numbers 1 and 2 for Baby M's 1st ever swim. The pool was fully booked for the whole of August and seems very popular but a cancellation came up for today so I jumped on it! It meant alot to me to be able to take them all swimming before DN2 had her baby.

Baby M had a wonderful time and splashed about for well over half an hour. DN2 enjoyed the weightlessness of her enormous bump and I took over 200 pictures but this was my favourite of DN2 handing Baby M down to DN1 for his 1st ever time in the pool.

We only had an hours slot and it passed really quickly but it was amazing.

After lunch we had a walk in Tilgate Park. DN2 has been having a few mild contractions and seems to be very relaxed about baby being due tomorrow. Fingers crossed she won't have to wait too long now.

Today was a very special day. Xxx

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