Well that didn't quite go to plan!!!!!

Daughter Number 1 and I had a lovely day planned with DN2 on her due date. A little walk down to Kingscote Vineyard  for lunch, DN2 was then going to leave for her Midwife appointment where they were going to give her a "sweep" then a chilled afternoon at mine while Mr W was visiting Lady Linda with Bella.

Until DN1 did a lateral flow test as she woke up with a bit of a sore throat. It only went and tested bloody positive. It was such a shame. I was so looking forward to spending the day with Baby M and the girls. Instead we had to fling all the windows open and she was banished to the bedroom with Baby M while she packed up and I made her a packed breakfast and flung her out!!!! She's really worried about having possibly infected DN2 as they were sitting very close in the car yesterday. But yesterday she tested -ve so fingers crossed DN2 doesn't catch it as she hasn't been jabbed yet.

Mr W and I both did a test. Too early I know but I need to keep a check on myself ready to help DN2 if she needs me.

She had her midwife appointment. They did the sweep and she is 1cm dilated already so the contractions she was having yesterday have done something at least. She's just going to hunker down at home now with Josh and keep each other company while they wait for their precious bundle to make its appearance - when its ready!! Probably a boy now with it being so slow!!!!

DN1 made it home ok and went for a PCR test. She feels a bit grotty but she at least has had 1 of her 2 jabs so fingers crossed she won't be too poorly.

Just goes to show that no where is safe yet and we can't take this nasty disease for granted. Not that any of us did but she perhaps should have kept away from Cornwall straight after Board Masters!!!!!

Not long now until the start of the September Challenge. There are still a few spaces if anyone can think of some good subjects to add!!!
Heres what we have so far....

1.    New
2.    White
3.    Feet
4.    Flower
5.    Sleeping
6.    Tiny
7.    Cotton
8.    Steps
9.    My Favourite....
10.  Looking Down
11.  Cake
12.  Family
13.  Numbers
14.  Wood
15.  2pm
16.  On Your Plate
17.  Handmade
18.  Heart
19.  Animal
20.  Mug
21.  Reflection
22.  Open
23.  Landscape
24.  Bokeh
25.  A Picture
26.  Above me
27.  Water
28.  Pattern
29.  Autumn
30.  A Selfie !!

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