
By lucia13


Thanks everybody for your comments yesterday about coco , for the stars and for your big heart . I am glad you like my coco pic.

Today I want to show you one of my favorites artis in England . Problably the most of you know her. She is very small woman but with a big heart. She was raising horses in Newmarket before start painting . She start painting in 1982 .There is were she was learning about the spirit of horses and start painting them. She is famous because the horses painting the most. . She painted the museun of newmarket wall, the schooll walls , the horses staues around parks,, etc etc,, the most recently work was the masterpiece silk scarf in the Olimpic and the Queen's diamond jubilee. She is called the Newmarket woman. Every wednesthey we use to go to costa caffe for a tea with the colleges affter our art calls. . We meet her there for a tea and chat little bit. She is very interesting woman . She dressed very estravagant and colourful so she is easy to see around every where. She is living in Newmarket and teach art as well.

She was doing one demorstration in newmarket in the librery and my friend Ruth caome to colect me and give lift by car to meet her, I still am very painfull but I made a big effort to go and see her. I was waiting for this moment a long time.

She was painting horses. everything is in her imaginaction, it iwas great to see her in action. Sorry I can explain better my feeliengs and I don't want to boring you any more wiht this histoy. If you would like to know about her you can go to the google or her website and see her works and everything about her.

I ask her for a pic. She was possing for me few minutes before start the painting, . When she finish the painting I would like to take another pic with the horses she painted but my battery was finish and I coud't take any more. I have one very close and nice but I choce this one because you can see in the right side behind one of her horses painting I like this one so much and it was the one she was demostrated for us. I was sitdown next to her one hour and chatting and enjoed her painting a lot. , . maybe if you put the pic in large you can see better the painting horses behin, but stll is in her website.
Sorry for my mistakes . I hope you like my firs blip portrait .
Some blipers people ask for my blip paintings but I am not artis or profesional . I am doing my own painting only like a hobby . I like painting a lot and it is good for me, like a therapy to be busy and keep my maind working when I have a good day.
I am embarrased to put my paintings there after I saw very good painting for the real artis blipers. Mybe one day you can see some of my in the backgrownd of my pics. I think I have one in one blip few weeks ago. The red lamp in my room. It is in my jornail .
Enjoy the day and have a good weekend everybody.

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