Cheese & Wine

Fourth Tuesday of the month means that it is Falmouth Royal Naval Association branch meeting night.
But before that I headed over to my friends house, on the promise of chocolate cake, to install a cctv camera and system to his home. Suffering with health issues that impair his mobility his anxiety increased when a bloke in a hi vis just appeared in his lounge looking for ‘scrap’.
It’s a great little system. One camera covers his car stand and the approaches to the house and can be viewed on mobile phones and computers. With a built in motion activated ‘bing bong’ doorbell sound they are now alerted and able to speak to those outside, even from the far side of the world using WiFi, a great little system.

Home, showered and changed I collected another branch member from Flushing and headed to meeting. Business over and done with it was a catch up with more friends over a glass of wine and a cheese selection.

Happy Days

Today’s photo is another from last night, the ‘Prayer Book Rebellion’ commemoration stone in Penryn.

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