
Every four weeks I have a pedicure, on the principle that; “if you look after your feet they’ll look after you”, I spend a considerable time on mine, wear flip-flops a lot or go bare foot. They get regularly immersed in salt water and abused in a range of odd footwear, ‘Dudes’ neoprene rock pool shoes etc.
Its not just having them looked after it’s a bit of down time, a bit of me time, so much so that I booked Mrs S in for tomorrow.

Having done some preparation work earlier in the week I made my way to the gig storage container so as to decorate an oar ready for the presentation of a donation cheque to the gig club by the representatives of a Masonic Lodge. It all went well, I gave them a brief on what we are about and they followed it up with some probing questions but it all went well.

Home in time to walk Paddy before dinner.

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