
By yogajill

My partner took part in his first 5km park run this morning. He’s lost 3 stone in weight this year since starting running. What a star !
I took my Mum into town to buy new shoes while he was running. Mum got some patent black shoes. I left her in town to meet her friend Linda.

My partner, Cassie cat and I had a very relaxing afternoon in the sunny back garden. I updated my yoga website.
Later I popped round to the allotment to pick some tomatoes, to water the greenhouse and the late peas and beans that I planted a few weeks ago.
I cooked us a roast veg pasta dish for our supper , with our own home grown onions, courgettes, chilli and green peppers and tomatoes. Delicious.
We watched ‘The treasures of ancient Egypt ‘ on TV and reminisced on our adventures there.
We would love to go back there together one day.

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