Re-ordering The Beatles

I have re-discovered my cassette recorder. I used to make many ‘mix-tapes’ on it. One of the advantages of tape is that you can segue songs together, by eliminating the gaps between them. The other week I decided I could re-order Revolver, and make it a better sounding record. I think I achieved this, by adding Paperback Writer and Rain, though the tape quality was not the best.
Now a friend has asked me to do a re-ordering of Sgt Pepper. This is more difficult as the album aready flows very well. He doesn’t like Within You Without You, and suggested The Fool on the Hill as a replacement. I wouldn’t do that, but a challenge is a challenge, and I’ve added in two more songs not on the original album. (Strawberry Fields Forever and It's All Too Much.)

If you are still awake, many kind thanks for reading this.

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