
I was asked this morning if I would put some photos together by my Cambridge consultant friend of before Cambridge and after. I was actually shocked when I saw how chub I was before hand . I mean I knew I had to lose weight but I didn't realise how biggish I was. I still plan on losing some too. I had a weight in this morning and lost another 2lb. 

When Mr R woke back up from a nap ( I thought he's knackered from his 3 day stag session ) he said he didn't feel that great so i gave him a LFT test. And it shows positive to covid. We went for the PCR tests and then collected the boys from school. The NHS website says they don't need to isolate but I'm keeping everyone at home . Xander wasn't happy that we picked him up early and that he has to stay at home and not leave the house. I have locked Mr R upstairs as he has the ensuite and he can set up a office in the spare room for what he has to do for work. The Wildlings have been told they have to stay downstairs except for bed. I will just set up shop in the lounge and sleep downstairs. Wish is luck. 
Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for the results. 

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