Flat calm and a mistiness which soon lifted, I attended to diesel while the SK attended to bagels, and muffins and pastries. Well, we were off to the great beyond. Beyond Ardnamurchan! And when we set foot on land again, it was on the Island of Muck. Tea and scones did await. Then we strolled over to the north of the island. Delightful. And walking back, we met a red tractor - none other than Lawrence Macewen, the Prince of Muck! He switched his engine off and gave us the time of day, chatting all about the film we’d seen just over a week ago.
That sent us away with a spring in our steps, and we decided to move the boat round from Port Mor to the anchorage (on the north side!) at Ghallanaich overlooked by his farm before settling down for the Cap’n to cook up the cassoulet.
And then the weather forecast refreshed itself. The wind, from the north, getting a bit fresher…
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