Ohio landscape

It's not easy to snap a clear picture from a car that is zipping down the interstate at 70 miles per hour. That's how I captured this blip today on our way home at the end of a very long road trip. It was a good trip, one I was thankful to take, but I've been on the go for too many hours, and I'm headed for bed.

The farm you see here is located in the central flatlands of Ohio about an hour north of Columbus, the capital city. My part of Ohio, a few hours north of here, isn't nearly this flat. Today was a sunny-blue-sky-day where we were. Where I am now, back in the northeast corner of the state, there is still snow on the ground. Variety is the spice of life I guess. I'm beginning to ramble. It's time for some sleep. See you tomorrow, Blippers.

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