Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Flickering lights and failed blips.

Despite not feeling well earlier in the day I made it up to town for a last minute shopping trip for Beltane essentials. I'd been organised and taken my camera thinking maybe I'd finally blip a few of those city centre highlights. I succeeded too. Unfortunately, I forgot one thing - Rush Hour! Every photo I took ended up with either a bus or a person in the way. I thought I had the perfect blip lined up as a charity worker practically chased a man down the street, then just as I pressed the button, a person stepped in front.

Thankfully my shopping trip was more successful. I got all the things I needed AND a lovely new pair of scissors. I'm not sharing them with anyone this time, they actually cut a straight line. I've had nice scissors in the past, but as soon as you let anyone use them they suddenly think it's a great idea to cut something really inappropriate with them, then they break.

Headed up to Stephen's to finish painting our banners. After the failed blipping attempt in town, I decided to go for this, the photo really doesn't do the pretty light patterns that were being cast justice.

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