Ailie on Simonside

Ailie and I had a lovely 6 mile walk up to Simonside and along the tops. It was cool and cloudy when we set off but soon the sun appeared and it was another fine day.

In the afternoon I tried to fix my botched up crochet of the cushion cover I’m making Sheila for her birthday. I was over-confident and too blasé when I started it and didn’t bother counting the stitches at the end of each row. The result is that the work got progressively narrower as I reached the end and the rows are too short from
2/3 of the way up. I’m adding on at the end of each row but there’s a lot to get done.

It is son-in-laws 51st birthday today. I thought his mother who lives not too far away might have put a cake on their doorstep for him, but no. Daughter was too poorly to feel up to it. She is so cross that the government won’t add a runny nose to the list of Covid symptoms. Track and Trace said that as she’s had 2 vaccinations and several negative tests, she did not need to isolate, even though the rest of the household had Covid. Fortunately she did not go out to infect people, as her third PCR was positive.

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