The day to start is today

By Traci

It was all so different

before everything changed.

Early morning !! up on a Saturday !!! when I don't need to be ???? Typical, day off from mum's Taxi duties (as youngest is ill) and 'ping' wide awake, unable to take advantage.

We have rain and grey today, just to get the weather report over and done with. But no extreeme weather as lots of people surrounding seem to be getting.

I have been awake and up with the collared dove and robins from silly o'clock. Husband off on early shift originally woke me at 5:30 with the actual alarm, then the 'just in case alarm' and then my phone alarm joined in .. which I hadn't set to not ring on Saturdays (the dratted thing should know by now - what happened to intelligent software) so I gave up wondering whether one of the girls alarms was due to go off soon and interupt any further zzzzz's.

Two coffees already so the day is going to go great until the caffine runs out (no more than two cups a day otherwise headache kicks in) then it will be crash and burn for the rest of the day. There are rumours of a Sherlock marathon sofa day which I possibly could persuade myself to gate crash.

For now I am going to make the most of listening to the sound of silence - which doesn't happen very often in this house - while it lasts. Not even a radio to break the tranquility. I think going by experience, probably another hour if I am lucky. Bliss

Have a great, safe and warm, weekend

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