The day to start is today

By Traci

Thought for today

try not to think about it.

The veiw that seemed to take up so much of today, waiting around in the car, in the rain. We didn't get half as much as forecast thankfully. The rhynes are filling up but if it eases by tomorrow we should be ok. Everywhere else seems to be suffering really badly again after hardly any restbite from the last dose of extreeme weather.

Well stage one of children's Easter baskets has been completed with thankfully little trauma and no glue spilling incidents. It is all going to take the WHOLE weekend to dry as when they were told to put plenty of glue on their projects they did just that. Our cleaners are going to utter my name with an extra comment or two when they go in and find our creations, but I didn't use glitter this time - and that has to be a positive thing ??

To do list for tomorrow to sort out mobile phones, daughters 1 and 2 have new numbers, I have 2's old number and my phone back (no phone for 2 weeks gasp) now that hubby has 1's old phone (he's keeping his old number after he manage to crack his screen) 3 has 1's old number and 2's old phone .. and is rather happy as she is getting an i pod. Number 4 is a bit like me - what phone!! But we do need to make sure the numbers are sorted out (ughhh)

Keep safe if you are out and about this weekend

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