
By WilsonsNewDad


When I approached the bathroom to shower this morning, I was met with a picket line!
This isn't the first time Wilson has tried to persuade me to cut down on my showering regime – with his legendary hatred of water, I think he just wants me to join him in not showering at all!
When I suggest to Byron that it's time for a shower he runs off happily and returns smelling of Hair Conditioner, whereas when I ask Wilson to shower, he trudges into the bathroom, turns the water on… and stands in the dry, singing, whistling and occasionally pretending to get shampoo in his eyes – before returning bone dry and smelling of anteater.
He still thinks I don't know...
I understand that global warming is happening, but I shall resist for as long as I can smelling like, well… an anteater.
Oh no – Passing Clouds has emerged to see what all the commotion is about!
She probably won't allow me into 'her watery domain' (aka the bathroom) and then I'll have to postpone my shower until tomorrow…

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