Domestic Goddess
I wish I could report that I did something unbelievably fun or exciting today, but if I did, I’d be fibbing. No, this overcast cool day called for some much-needed interior focus. After coffee and breakfast I set up the tripod and camera to keep an eye on feathered visitors while I vacuumed and mopped the kitchen, dining room and living room floors. Periodically I looked through the lens to catch a good variety of birds: downy and red breasted woodpeckers, chickadees, goldfinches, titmice, and a few nuthatches like this one. Catbirds and Bluejays nibbled suet nearby, but best of all was seeing a female hummingbird, the first we’ve seen in several days. It’s a treat to know at least one is still around • A couple of loads of laundry got done too, so I’m feeling pretty good about the clean floors. We’ll enjoy them for a few hours until the outdoor cat comes in for dinner. She’ll track in mulch and dirt, then there’s sure to be loose litter on the floor by bedtime; by morning we’ll discover hairballs or food left behind for Moms to pick up…forever children they are! • Yay, housework :p
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