Moving Day

No.2 managed to borrow a van from work to make the move easier today. I drove up to help pack a few boxes and wondered why he had left so much to the last minute? He had packed a few boxes but there was still lots to do. I brought home a couple of boxes of clothes so he could have a good sort out ( and hopefully throw some bits away) rather than move it all to the new place. I also ran a few loads through the washing machine to freshen up.
I’m keeping everything crossed that the estate agent gets his act together tomorrow and moves it forward so they can move in this week.

Watered the garden this afternoon and also had to temporarily plant out some wallflowers which had been delivered yesterday (which seems a bit early?) but as we are away next week I don’t want to leave them until we get back. Moved plants and cuttings back out of the greenhouse as the weather is set for another mini heatwave so Trisha can water while we’re away. Busy day for a supposed ‘day of rest’.

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