
Today we went to rugby.  We've tried it before, quite a while ago and it wasn't the biggest success, the boys didn't really understand what they were being asked to do, or why. 

Today was much better, or at least it was for the eldest.  The youngest refused to take part (to give him credit, he said before we went that he didn't want to do it).  He needs a lot of getting used to an idea, and in time I'm sure he will want to join in.  For the time being, he's on the side line with us.  The eldest loved it, and we enjoyed it. 

I went through more revision today, some things seem to have gone in - and stayed there!  Some things haven't and after I stopped having a minor panic I didn't feel too bad about where I am with it all. 

I did give up on the revision and went to help with the patio, nice to get out to some manual work! 

The boys played with us, and helped (not always the most help though). I managed to combine the manual labour with cooking roast beef, which we all more than welcomed. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The revision starting to go in - I think! 
The eldest loving rugby - and lovely people there as well
The boys tidying their toys incredibly well after making 'tidy toys' one of the things they can earn stars for and earn more playmobil. 

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