Faded Grandeur
Good start to the day with the 8:30 Livestream from our UK church (featuring back to school photos, including one of me at a young age, and then croissants and melon instead of grapefruit, they are very sweet and, importantly, very local.
Kayaking from the road that ends in the Lake at Luz, off to explore yet another abandoned house on land that is an island if the water is high - this one had obviously been rather grand, it does feel sad. Evidence of someone having camped out it one of the rooms at some stage, a mattress, wellies, a tattered canvas roof.
- a heated argument between us coming eventually to a peaceful conclusion
- a picnic on a dead tree, and a swim to cool off
- Guillame coming with us to Sem Fim for the first time, and really enjoying it; B and G back from summer in Sweden
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