
By kettwigefrau

Nom nom nom

One of the things we miss here in Germany is Cadbury chocolate. You can buy it, but not the huge range that there is in the U.K. However, in the last five years both Cadbury and Milka have become part of the same large family and there seems to have been a little bit of sibling sharing going on with the Milka range adopting some of the Cadbury icons (although we are still waiting for them to attempt Creme Eggs).

When I first saw these mini eggs for sale in the supermarket I bought them to try them and was delighted to find that they seem to be an exact copy of the Cadbury version (which in previous years we've had everyone smuggle into the country for us). We are currently stockpiling them, although this would be made easier if we didn't keep eating them...

It's been bitterly cold here today, a day for curling up near a fire with a book, shame I'm too lazy to clear out the remains of the last fire and lay a fresh one eh?! On the positive side, at least we don't have snow, yet.

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