Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Bread making is fun!

So a little more home baking today, a Honey cake and a simple granary loaf .

The children are in charge of tonight's supper and we are having the culinary delight know as Fish Finger Pie

.... place your baked beans into an oven proof dish, layer in some lightly and lovingly browned fish fingers and envelope gently in a cloud of fluffy smooth pristinely white mash

Top with shards of your finest mousetrap cheddar cheese and bake in a hot oven until the cheese has melded soulfully into the mash and you have the golden glow of satisfaction and completion.

Serve with a green salad and some tartare sauce, no need for ketchup, we are NOT savages.

Any way I completely forgot about the dough proving and then of course everyone wanted a go at thrashing the living daylights out of knocking back the dough, it's now recuperating on top of the range and will be baked later.

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