Waiting in Toon

A misty start to the day, but it soon cleared.  There was some sunny spells, and a breeze too.

Day two of isolation.  I headed into town in the morning, Covid-19 test day.  Back home, I kept myself busy with more cleaning.  The house is going to be spotless over the next while.  Been out in the garden too.  A quiet evening, pulled a jigsaw out, and a few movies to watch.  Had various phone calls, including work, and friend Julie popped by to find out when we might need messages.

The actual Covid-19 test wasn't as bad as folk made out, quick and easy.  It's been a long day waiting on the results, and sadly they have come back positive, I apparently do have Covid-19.  Still showing no signs of symptoms, and feel good, let's hope that continues.  My LFT is still negative too.  Since my track and trace goes back to Saturday, I've only had two close contacts.  It's going to be a long ten days in isolation.  I turned up a bit too early for my test, so enjoyed a different view for a couple of minutes, I'll not be seeing much over the next while.  Taken at Breiwick Road, Lerwick.  

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