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By pplnani

Red Hot

............. is how I would describe the weather today, it’s gone from one extreme to the other ........... not that I’m complaining, even though I don’t like the heat much it’s so nice to see the sunshine. I’m trying to make the most of it before it disappears again at the end of the week ;-)

It doesn’t look like my car is going to be a quick fix, unfortunately. Yesterday evening when we sat and talked about what we thought the problem might be we narrowed it down to possibly the brakes binding for some reason ( it was fine last Friday when I used it ) ......... however, we’re not mechanics and if it is a brakes problem, I’m not keen to drive it even if it was to let me. So I phoned our regular garage, who we’ve been going to for 30 years plus and very trustworthy, for advice. It seems they are booked solid until next Tuesday and said if it wasn’t drivable the best ( and cheapest ) way to get it there is to use the breakdown service if we have the relevant cover, which we do.
So I’ve booked it in provisionally for next Tuesday and hope that the breakdown service agree to transport it there when I call them out next week. Meanwhile, it will just have to sit there frustrating me when I want to use it.
I don’t want to call a different garage because I have no idea who is trustworthy........ and surely if they are any good they will also be booked solid.

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