
By Jerryseadog

All our own woodwork!

The penultimate stage - the split wood stacked ready for burning next winter. This is all dead wood and already down to less than 25% moisture so will dry out in the next few months to below 15% and then be stacked indoors for a couple of weeks and come down to 5% or less for burning. Burning wet logs is a waste of energy as the heat just goes to convert the water into steam.The smaller logs are now stacked in my woodshed as I have a smaller logburner.

We were back in the woods this afternoon, clearing brambles, planting snowdrops and catching up with our woodland neighbours. Barry and Eunice have a caravan nearby and seem to spent most of their summer enjoying their bit of woodland. Their grandchildren have made a den and Barry has constructed a woodland, earth closet dunny, screened by twig panels - very Gucci.

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