River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Ynys Faelog, Menai Bridge, #Anglesey

One of our neighbours left for work at 6am and I couldn't get back to sleep - it was misty but soon cleared.
MrD had an early trip to the supermarkets then took his car to be checked out over near Llandudno.
I did a quick hour of gardening at 7am, the outdoor tomatoes have got blight and look dreadful and they've dried out, we may have thunderstorms tomorrow and Thursday so binning the tomato plants made sense.
Ate my breakfast in the sunshine listening to the birds - heard a curlew too, first time in ages.
A dozen or more swallows were on the wires when I drove from home.
Got into Menai Bridge just before 11, parked the car in Menai Woods and walked into town, lots of changes:
the lovely chocolate shop https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3687702 - has closed a few weeks ago, this info from my friend John who has a cafe on the main street. A few more cafes/eateries have opened, including one by a local celebrity ...
The nice courtyard antiques shop is closed on Tuesdays!!
Walked along my usual route next to the Strait, having taken a photo of the Old Boatyard which has become more decrepit, 6yrs ago it had a roof -
Met up with Eileen, Eric and Ifor for our first Tuesday Chinese meal only to find they were closed for today - we all went along the road to 4Xs and had drinks only, shortage of chefs! 
Ended up eating lunch in the garden and dinner this evening too!
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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