
I'm away on Bute for the next few nights with someone -a work thing - and what a great first day it's been. We got here sooner than expected with faster trains and smooth connections meaning we got an earlier ferry, and then for the first time ever here I saw porpoises. Porpoises that were still knocking around when we arrived at the cottage, so we just sat in the garden, in the sun, with a coffee, and watched them frolick about. Ace.

I took mesen 'off-rota' for a couple of hours over teatime and went out on the pretty-decent-bike that comes with the cottage, out for a hot 24 mile loop around the south of the island. In the evening we went for a wander down to Kerrycroy (pictured) and saw seals, herons, oystercatchers, curlews and plenty of rabbits. Plus picked brambles....all 'til about 9pm in t-shirts and shorts - bring it on!!!!

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