
By JackyMT

Arum Maculatum or Cuckoo-Pint

Found on our woodland walk this morning. Always a sign of Autumn to me.

Today has been very hot. I haven't done anything more strenuous than staking some gladiolas this afternoon. Most of morning was I was sat doing necessary phone calls.
Then i rang my sister in Liverpool but everytime I've rung recently her phone registers as engaged so i will have to write to her.

Then i rang my cousin Michael in Cornwall well hes a 2nd cousin as his dad and my mum were cousins. They never met though. His son found me through ancestry when i was researching my family history. He told his dad who asked if he could ring me i said yes and we have been in touch ever since. Him and his wife came up to York on a coach tour some years back and we met up. He was borm the same month and year as me and His first grandchild, Charlie, was born on the same day and year as our Grace his second one Molly was born a couple of months after Autumn but same year. Funny that.
We had a lovely long chat.

So a rest day all round (is that ok boss) lol

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