Your Flat White is Ready.....

Level 2 in Wellington this morning. This is our favourite Cafe .....Well one of them as The Boss really has a serious crush on a Butlers Chocolate Cafe in town but as we were not actually going into one anyway (which you could suitably masked) he grabbed the pic and we kept walking to eventually get a haircut ( masked) which was probably more important he thought.
The Haircut was exceptional as his favourite joint was not busy so the scissor bloke even washed his hair first and fussed about big  time as there was no one waiting. He is a "Loyalty" member so it all cost $25.00. and he gets a free cut every 10th.
Town was pretty quiet and the weather stayed good with one shower later in the afternoon. 
The smell in the apartment is delicious as fresh bread has just come out of the Breadmaker... 

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