After the Kyna.

By Triciamb


One of the comments by a fellow blipper about blips being a daily journal suddenly clicked in my head. Yes, I know that the blurb about Blipfoto says a photo journal but think I got the wrong end, I have approached it as finding something to photograph each day.
As I work in the garden, often I regret that I can’t remember when this area was weeded last, why did I think that idea would work, or delighted at unexpected success without knowing why.
Part of the problem for me is that I took on this garden 6 years ago when I was very limited in activity because of heart problems (recent echocardiogram shows heart beating well) and since then I have been incapacitated by a broken wrist, hip and pelvis over a period of three years. So plenty of time for weeds get established (ground elder and morning glory) although I worry less about dandelion as the early flowers are good for bees in spring.
This year I have been able to do more, albeit in 30 minutes bursts limited by sciatica, and have invested in plants since it was possible to go to garden centres. It has been a very colourful summer and so encouraging. Now I hope to record what I do manage to do, what I have learnt from it and any future plans.
Today’s blip shows a small part of the little border between the patio and the grass. This patch had salvias for summer colour totally unsuccessful unless you are slugs who ate the lot. So after weeding, planted tête à tête daffodils and pansies with a multch of compost from my own compost bin. 

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