mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Oh look! It's snowing again! Shock, horror..

Ok, that's maybe a little sarcastic but it's nearly April and we've had only one or two hints of spring (yes, you blinked and missed them) but on the whole, winter has gone on, and on, and on..
I think that the Earth has had some major shift into a different orbit and the world leaders have kept us in the dark..
Can I put my hand up now and volunteer to be Bruce Willis's (drool) assistant in Armageddon this time? Ok, I know, he died in the last one but I'm sure the screen writers can come up with a plausible explanation that can bring him back for a sequel. (Remember Bobby Ewing and the dream shower sequence?!)
Anyway, I digress.. When can we have some sunshine? I've had the pool open way before now in previous years. Ok, it hasn't been used much over the last 3 summers (not much fun in thunderstorms) but at least it has been used!
P.s. Snow always causes a small leak from a flat roof we have. It doesn't happen in heavy rain - just the slow thawing of snow. I'm writing this to the sound of a slow plink... plink...
P.p.s. I may have gone slightly mad.. I blame S.A.D. ;-/

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