La Sole

What a joy and privilege to have an early morning coffee with this warrior, Sole. Today's a big birthday! It wasn't long before we were joined by another Roma woman who was very wound up as her husband has just been put into prison - Sole was quick to tell her that Danny can visit him. Apparently a load of Roma have recently been released (maybe the same wave when Sole was??) and so the police are doing a fresh round up - almost 10 arrested this past day or 2. Sad, and tough...
We rushed from my coffee with Sole to Asha's back to school meeting for the parents - except I'd got my times mixed up and had arrived for the meeting for the school year below hers! As Danny and the kids were running errands for people, I took the chance to walk and listen to a so good. A discussion on shame culture. 
Back for the school meeting at the correct time and it was soooo lovely to see the other moms (no dads this time!). 
This afternoon the kids and I took juices and donuts to the frog pond Asha and I went to yesterday. We had a lovely hour or so. 

Back to school tomorrow - bags are packed, kids are excited!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Sole. Just love love love this woman.
2) Forgiving friends - cultural faux pas of the day. A Roma woman came up to us and asked Sole who died because she saw there were flowers on the table. Apparently Roma don't give flowers for birthdays, only deaths - eeeek! Ha! Thankfully Sole is a flower fan and a patient friend to this foreigner. 
3) Time at the frog pond - loved the kids enthusiasm. 

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