Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

14 pink dahlias

The Feast Day of St. Finnian of Moville.
I hope you are having a good day blip friends.
It is 21c outdoors here in Blackburn, and 22c indoors. The visibility is poor today.
Sadly, the air quality is dreadful. This is true even after heavy rain, thunder and lightning last evening. Then, it was heavenly and the air smelt so clean and really beautiful.
The orange dahlias have completed their flowering cycle and they are a wonderful memory. I am thankful these pink dahlias have continued flowering and staying beautiful in the planter near St. Charles Church, that still remains closed.
It will take a miracle to open it up as a working Catholic church. There needs to be sufficient Catholics of practising faith who would move to and live in Rishton. This can only happen if God does a miracle. 
I appreciate your kind comments. Take care.

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