My girl

I had a lovely long conversation with this wee face first thing this morning. I learnt today that in fact it's her right eye that's hurt - her selfie camera has flipped it on the photos I have seen so far.

She had a lot to tell me about today. She was seeming quite chirpy on the whole, certainly happy to chat and happy to going to play with her friends. She was understandably very annoyed about not being allowed to play Ferdy, but seemed chatty. She did some confident sorting out of things at school this week, including telling her hockey teacher she doesnt want to play in the school team because she doesn't want to get more hurt as her bassoon is too important to her.

Anyways, we signed off and I was confident she was happy enough. But then someone told her it's compulsory for her to audition for the play and that she has to have a 2 minute monologue prepared, book an audition and if she doesn't she'd be made to go at an assigned time. She had already decided she didn't want to do the production and now was absolutely adamant about it. 

Her head is really sore and peoples sympathy at school is waning. She's stopped telling people it hurts because she doesn't want Ferdy taking off her for longer. I had hoped that her time off was from the day it happened, but it's not. The 2 week count was from the doctors appointment. Its only two days difference but those two days lose her a whole weeks bassoon lessons. But on the upside, her face is looking like its healing. The little monkey has picked her scab but her swelling has started going down and the bruising around her eye brow is going green now. Steps forward! 

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