
In the morning CyclopsJnr went to RugbyTots.

At lunchtime CyclopsJnr received his new skateboard. This is part of a gift that kept giving - Grandma had given CyclopsJnr a lovely wooden farmyard when he was tiny, and we recently sold it on and used the money to buy a skateboard. This is CyclopsJnr's first skateboard. He spent some time practicing in the street.

Later we three biked to watch a rugby match played by the Edinburgh Accies. CyclopsJnr has recently started training with the Minis of this team. Well CyclopsJnr watched some of the game, and spent some time playing football / rugby / general shenanigans with some friends from school / Minis that were there too. So that was all pleasant.

Home with time to play with H in the street for an hour before dinner.

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