Ball in Hand

Accies again this morning.

Last week CyclopsJnr was in a group focussed on passing, and while he did great at the start while demonstrating an exercise with the coach, he then seemed to forget everything he has learned in 5 years of Rugby Tots. He was flinging the ball flying everywhere and nowhere!

This week was completely different.  He was much more focused, remembered his basic skills, and had a brilliant game of 5-pass-rugby.  In defence he was all over the opposition, and turned over the ball at least a dozen times.  He tidied up a number of loose balls too, and passed well to other team members.  He got a the ball over the line a couple of times himself, but it was his defending and general contribution to team play that was the best bit.  Playing as part of a team just seems to have suddenly clicked for him!  Of course next week he could have a difficult time again, but having found that feeling once he should be able to find it again more easily...  Maybe he was inspired by watching the First XV yesterday.

Afterwards he had a nice call with Granny and Grandpa, had a haircut, did some more skateboarding, collected some blackberries, and played a family game of Carcassonne which he won.

We all had dinner and strawberry and ice cream sundaes together to round off the day.

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