Lake Bafa for afternoon breakfast

After online tutoring this morning, I had a delightful and delicious afternoon with Graham and Kat at Ceri restaurant on the shore of Lake Bafa, having a full on 'Turkish Breakfast'. The last time I was there was with Robin in July - always a lovely way to spend a few hours.  

Lake Bafa is a bird sanctuary,  declared a nature reserve in 1994. It has a fascinating history and was, I learned, until the Classical period, not land locked but a gulf of the Aegean Sea, hence the trading significance of the ancient Greek city sites we visited in the Spring, Miletus and Prienne, both of which, in their heyday, were on the shore (see extras).  Eventually the area was silted up by the Maeander River. Such an interesting area of the world I live in, both historically and geographically! (More about Lake Bafa here).

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