Great Junction Street

The busiest of days, starting at 7:45 with the arrival of the minky as said minky’s parents had an early gym session. And then we had to juggle, like working parents as m’lady’s car needed dropped off for its MOT and she herself was heading to a strategy away-day for her photographic organisation. But I cracked on, oh yes: papers, supermercado shopping and emails before diving off to meet the son in Leith. We sat outside at Qupi as people made their way up and down the street. I know many people love Leith, and there’s a lot to like, but blimey, there aren’t half a fair number of hollowed out zombies on those pavements. 
Much much later, tennis! And who couldn’t fail to be caught up in the great drama of the US Open Final where this young gal from Bromley, Emma Raducanu who had   come through qualifying and hadn’t lost a set, won the bliddy thing. I mean, with Andy Murray we had years of agony. How very very un-British, if that’s still a thing.

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