
By DramaQueen

Time’s Up

It’s that time of year again, when the eight legged freaks who usually terrorise me in the garden, decide to come indoors, to terrorise me some more find a mate. Not on my watch pal.

I read with horror yesterday that even the cleanest of homes have between 20-40 spiders at any given time! Arrrrrgh :-0

I’ve tried the conkers in the corner; what a load of tosh! I had one brazen monster sit atop said conker. It may have been my imagination, but I could swear it stuck it’s middle legs up at me in defiance.

I’m fine if Mr A is here, he scoops them up and kicks them out. I’m not that brave.
This spray promises to do the trick and smells lovely too (it’s made from peppermint oil), so let’s see what happens.

It could be worse. According to my nephew, they have ‘flyders’ in their bathroom. I needed to know more about these spiders that fly. I think he meant daddy long legs!

DQ x

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