The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Shop Of Shame

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I spoke to Lovely Shuvly today. She is VERY excited about going to Majorca tomorrow (we are joining them 2 days later).

Her (5) dogs have a mixed dry/raw food diet and recently she’d had to do the “shop of shame”.

The “shop of shame” is when she goes to Iceland to buy 30 (yes, 30) bags of frozen mince which she does every 2-3 weeks

Shuv: “It’s embarrassing. It’s ALWAYS the same girl on the checkout. She’s been making jokey comments that we must really like mince but then today she asked what it was all for and I completely panicked”

Me: “Oh god, what did you say?”

Shuv: “That I was doing some charity cooking…It just came out.”

Me: (p1ssing myself): “You are going to end up in the Daily Record - ‘Local hero exposed as fraud’”

I think she may have to send Basher from now on!


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