The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Flying The Nest

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today The Eldest Mini Princess moved into her student halls in Glasgow.

It went really well*. The accommodation is lovely and so much nicer than we all expected (given some of the reviews online). It’s in a really nice part of the city near Kelvingrove art gallery and her flatmates seem lovely (and quite sensible).

We spent the afternoon getting her unpacked and The Youngest Mini Princess came through late afternoon on the train so the four of us could have dinner together.

I am so proud of EMP. She is an amazing young woman. I am happy that she doesn’t need to hold my hand but that it’s right beside her if she ever wants it.

I was a very brave mum and didn’t cry until we were in the car going home!


*We had a minor “duvet gate” as her booking for a single room turned out to be a double (which meant none of the bedding fitted) but that was fixed with the help of googling shops and sat nav.

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