A lazy day

Isn't this weather fabulous? Ann has never known it so hot in Cornwall in September. She hasn't brought enough 'sunny days clothes' with her.

First thing this morning I went for a play on the beach. I LOVE the beach but do you know what?.................... I've only been to the beach a couple of times since we came back to St Ives. The last time we were here I went to the beach every single day.

Later on, we set off on a walk up 'Rosewall Hill' but Ann didn't have trousers on and all the paths were overgrown with nettles and prickly things and her legs were getting scratched, so we abandoned that plan and went to 'Bussow Reservoir' instead. Bussow Reservoir is lovely but I have to stay on my lead there because there are lots of fishermen fishing and obviously they don't want to be disturbed by me.

Ann's plan, after walking around the reservoir, was to go to Halsetown and then walk back over the fields to St Ives. Unfortunately we couldn't find the footpath that went from the reservoir to Halsetown and it was too dangerous to walk on the road. Does anybody else in Cornwall have this problem? A path is on the OS map but in real life there is no path. We had this problem when we were walking in the 'Cape Cornwall' area the day after we returned. Also, Ann frequently had this problem when she lived here with MollyCollie. Its almost like the farmers deliberately let the paths get so overgrown that they no longer exist. Anyway we had a lovely walk and were out for one and a half hours so all is good.

…........And apart from that (and one little play in the field), we've just been chillaxing on our very sunny sun terrace. Haven't a clue what the temperature was but it was certainly hot, hot, hot.


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