Look at the state of me!!!

Today I have had three lovely walks. First thing this morning I went along the beach and around town. Mid morning I went for a run about on the dunes over at Hayle. And this afternoon I went through the fields and round Bussow Reservoir. But just look at the state of me.

Ann has gone out of her way to make today nice for me. She still hasn't got much energy and she's spent the whole day devoted to me and this is how I repay her.  She is not happy!

As you can see, this afternoon, I have been rolling in fox poo. Ann is soooo cross with me. She has friends coming round for drinkies before they go out for dinner tonight and she says none of her friends will want to go anywhere near me. I normally love having people to visit but apparently I am not allowed to go anywhere near Ann's friends. In fact she doesn't even want me in the house. She says I'm the stinkiest I've ever been in my life. Well, I know that's not true because once I rolled in badger poo and that really was stinky.

Anyway, in an effort to get back into Ann's good books.................. I went straight out on to the sun terrace when we got home and I've been lying there ever since because I know that Ann has the 'dry foam shampoo' ready and I know the minute I go back into the house she's going to capture me and rub it all over me.

Ann says that sometimes it's really hard work owning a gorgeous little collie pup!!!

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