
By Mindseye

Something fishy

Slept heavily, went to bed later than planned and didnt wake until 9ish….and with a headache, and feeling a bit down again :-/ 

Struggled to get myself going…..decided to tackle some admin stuff thats been dragging on!  Cleared a few things, chased up delivery of my new headboard, completed my new drivers license application, after a couple of attempts, due to one of my credit cards again being declined on line. Another long conversation with my bank, got to the bottom of it eventually,  taken them nearly six months to realise that my card was a secondary one on our joint account and was rendered useless once hubs primary card had been cancelled!!!  Outcome is I have to apply for a new credit card in my own right !!  So have had to do that today too! 

Chased up my Iris love locket, a small jewel like heart with a little stand, that will contain a small amount of hubs ashes, and sit on my beside cabinet, that I ordered with the funeral directors…..they had said it was coming from India, but didn't expect it to take so long! They are going to get back to me.

Ordered some euros for my holiday, got to collect those in a day or two. 

Then got out of the house for an hour. I took the lights from our hallway and landing, a table lamp and some bedding that I was giving to the local YMCA charity shop into town then went for a coffee and a wrap for a rather late lunch. On the way back, popped to Asda to fill up with diesel. 

By the time I got back home the sun was shining and a nice afternoon followed. Id been waiting for the sun to dry the grass off a bit so I could mow 
 it, as it has grown so long, well apart from the grotty bald bits lol, which after the mowing, got another raking!!  I edged the front lawn and mowed that too, and I cut back a hypericum too. 
Green bin 3/4s full. 

After a quick wash and brush up I drove round to daughters for tea and games night……four of us,  but mostly only one winner….Emily of course, see extra :-)  Lovely gammon, mashed potatoes and veg for tea :-) Daughter called to me from upstairs to say think I can see your blip for today, come and look at this sky!!  She was right…..a real mackerel sunset.  She too has had a really up and down few days emotionally,  but shes doing good. 

Got back home about 8.30, caught up on Silent Witness from last night….really enjoying it, like where its going ;-) and Long Lost Families too. 

Well its time for bed now almost midnight, so catch up with you all tomorrow. 

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