
By nicky

The Great Ridge

We walked from Mam Tor along the Great Ridge to Back Tor, a beautiful walk with magnificent views to Castleton one side and Edale and the Kinder Scout plateau to the other. We were so lucky with the weather as it was sunny pretty much all day with a bit of cloud cover now and again, although I found it a bit too sunny at times and much hotter than we'd expected. But still, it was a great walk. We had intended to go into Castleton for a cup of tea and cake afterwards, but when we drove down there, it was heaving so we turned around and came back to the house instead. I'm pleased to report that my knees seemed fine today so all that stretching has certainly helped - although it was a ridge walk, there was still a lot of up and down to do! 

We found all these little stone towers on the top of Back Tor. No idea where they came from but they made a useful foreground for the photo!

It seems that this is my 2190th entry, which is six years of photos! It’s taken me a lot longer than that (I started in 2008), and I’ve had lots of gaps - some of them quite long - but something keeps bringing me back!

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